Things to See and Do in Montana Outside of its National Parks

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What do you picture when you think of Montana?

Maybe dude ranches? Or big skies? Or maybe Yellowstone and Glacier national parks?

For most people, I think, Montana is associated with its incredible national parks. Both Yellowstone and Glacier are well-known and well-loved – and rightfully so. Yellowstone was the first dedicated national park in the world, and Glacier National Park is often referred to as the “Crown Jewel of the Continent.”

But what do you know about Montana beyond its national parks?

Moss Mansion in Billings, Montana

For example, did you know that…

  • Montana was a gold rush state. In fact, by 1888, Helena (the current state capital) had more millionaires per capita than any other city in the world.
  • Montana elected a woman to Congress before women even had…

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