Savour the Mediterranean at Malaga’s top seafood spots

Ahh, the Med…. The name alone conjures images of sand swept beaches and sapphire blue waters, lingering sunshine and lazy days, romanticism, and fleeting moments of amor. Picture the fishing boats small and large bobbing between the gentle waves near the coast as squawking seagulls circle above, the taste of salt delivered on the breeze.

The Andalusian port city of Malaga embodies these sensations for visitors and locals alike, in this seafront city that refuses to be rushed and never feels hurried. And although Malaga enjoys a bit of jamon iberico, the famed Spanish ham, as much as the rest of the country, the city has a distinctive appreciation for fresh and delicious seafood.

Along the entire coast of Malaga province you will find charming little “chiringuito” restaurants peddling simple, yet fresh and delicious seafood along with your refreshment of choice to temper the heat of the day. The food markets provide similar testament to the…

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