An Introduction to Stockholm: A First-Time Visitor’s Guide

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As the largest city in Scandinavia, Stockholm, Sweden, has always been on my radar. And yet, despite multiple trips to the region (mostly to Norway), it took me a few years to actually make it there.

Shame on me, I know!

Because while it’s true that Stockholm is one of the more expensive cities to visit in Europe, it’s also beautiful, historical, and just downright cool.

Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden

My first visit to Stockholm ended up lasting just 3 days, but that was enough time to get a feel for the city and see some of its top sights.

If you, too, are heading to Stockholm for the first time, here are my tips for what to see and do:

What to do on your first trip to Stockholm

Explore Gamla Stan

Stockholm, Sweden

Chances are, if you’ve seen photos of Stockholm, you’ve seen photos of Gamla…

Categories:   A Dangerous Business Travel Blog
