5 reasons why you should get beach therapy

There is something about a beach vacation that leaves you blissfully relaxed, happy and rejuvenated. It works for people across ages. From the freshness of a sunrise, the frolicking waves of the day, the self-awareness during a sunset or the calm during the night, the beach changes our mood and puts you in touch with your inner self. Most people have at least, once, contemplated on having a house near a beach. If you’ve stayed away from the beach for too long, here are 5 reasons you should come over to get some beach therapy.

1. The beach keeps you healthy

There are direct benefits to being at the beach not only because there is Vitamin Sea but also Vitamin D. Most people who work in offices hardly get to catch the sun at the right time to synthesize natural Vitamin D. Your days at the beach catching the morning sun can help make up for some of that deficiency. Don’t forget that sunscreen if you plan to stay longer though

2. Out of the spa…

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