How to Watch a Desert or Coastal Sunrise Comfortably

San Diego sunrise (photo: Frank Mckenna)
San Diego sunrise (photo: Frank Mckenna)

Sunrise is a magnificent moment that can take your breath away with its beauty.

It symbolizes the start of a new day, and only you decide how to spend it.

Unfortunately, it can be hard to catch a rising sun, especially for those living in urban areas with many tall buildings.

Therefore, many travelers, who like exploring the world by car, decide to stop somewhere in a remote area to enjoy the sunrise.

Coastlines and deserts are the top areas to observe the sunrise. The desert terrain is typically flat, as is the ocean’s surface.

Have a stop in these areas and you can enjoy the best sunrise of your life. 

Below, you will find the best ways to comfortably watch the sunrise in the desert or on the coast while traveling by car.


It is one of the most…

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