Must-visit safari destinations in 2021

2021 certainly didn’t begin as we were expecting, and it would be far too easy to become bogged down in the negativity that is constantly thrown our way; however, do not stop dreaming of the beautiful adventures that await you once the storm has cleared.

Whether you are a looking for a family holiday, that once in a lifetime honeymoon or just wanting to escape everyday life for a couple of weeks, there are some must-visit safari destinations across Africa that you should consider.

Mahale, Tanzania

Whilst Rwanda and Uganda dominate the headlines when it comes to primate viewing, mainly for their gorilla populations, in the West of Tanzania is a beautiful lodge called Greystoke Mahale situated on the banks of Lake Tanganyika. Comprising of six thatched bandas, the camp is small, intimate and is a slice of luxury within this tropical paradise.

Here you will have an experience like no other. Apart from the crystal-clear waters of the lake that…

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