Where can Brits travel to in January?

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is rolling out in the UK, which is positive, and good news for those eager to travel. In the meantime, there are still restrictions on where Brits can travel to in January.  But with January having some of the lowest temperatures in the UK, you may have a hankering to get out and explore our wonderful planet.

What’s more, your New Year’s resolutions for 2021 may include being kinder, more compassionate, and mindful of those in greater need than you, so this summary includes ways that you can make a difference as part of your holiday.

But before you head off, it is important to ask if you should travel. This is a personal judgment call, and some factors to take into account are:

  • your age (if you are over 70, reconsider travel right now)
  • your…

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