Instagram Top Nine – Share Your Highlights from the Year with CreatorKit

December 1st always marks the beginning of so many end-of-year round-ups, but perhaps the most universal is the viral Instagram trend of sharing your Top Nine photos.

Millions of Instagram influencers, celebrities, and Instagram users are about to share their Top Nine collage featuring their best moments of the year.

This means you are about to see grids all over Instagram, with everyone sharing their Top Nine collage with their best nine Instagram posts of 2020.

The Top Nine trend started in 2016 as a simple tool to review your Top Instagram posts. Since then it has grown exponentially every year, according to Google Trends.

The new Top Nine tool – Now on the CreatorKit platform

This year you won’t find the Top Nine tool on, where it’s been since 2016. Top Nine is now part of the CreatorKit platform, and it’s now available on and on the CreatorKit apps for iOS and Android.

CreatorKit is a video editor…

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