The best aprés ski in Zermatt

Despite everything, there will be a smattering of bookings over the coming season in most resorts. Some folks will find the wherewithal to travel and enjoy a week or two in the snow. It’s been very tough for the travel industry so I guess we have to be very grateful for small mercies. All that aside here’s where it gets good. And something I’m very much looking forward too. A spot of apres-ski! After a beautiful day on the mountain, many, me included, feel the need to celebrate our efforts by letting our hair down usually aided by a cheeky beer or three. A beer or three? Ha, who am I kidding , it’s usually much more than that. And anyway, it would be rude not to. Hence the popularity of apres-ski. Zermatt has many lively apres-ski bars. Here are 4 of the best, Bring it on!, I’ve missed it.

Henna Stall

While skiing down the lower section of the Furi-Zermatt slope you’ll probably hear the pumping house beats or the Hennu Stall house band…

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