How to Write a Haiku Poem (with 15 Examples)

When first adding write a haiku to my bucket list, I thought checking it off would be no problem at all. These super short Japanese poems are only seventeen syllables long, three lines and about a dozen measly words. How hard could it be? Well, even though it’s a fairly simple bucket list idea (and a fun thing to do without leaving the house), it’s not so easy peasy that you’ll be whipping out tons of them in one day! Sometimes writing a long story can be simpler than writing something short and meaningful. 

How to write a haiku? These tips and examples will help…

What is a Haiku?

Haiku is a short versed Japanese poem that has just seventeen syllables, traditionally written in three lines:

  • Line One has 5 syllables
  • Line Two has 7 syllables
  • Line Three has 5 syllables

It’s been a while since school…what is a syllable? A syllable is a single sound or beat in a word. For example, ad·ven·ture has three syllables and the word ex·pe·ri·ence has four.

Japanese Haiku Poem Example

Haiku originated…

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