Where caribou outnumber people – A Luxury Travel Blog : A Luxury Travel Blog

In Alaska’s Interior and Arctic, the caribou far outnumber the people. In fact, according to Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Bob Hunter, there are almost five caribou to every one human in Alaska’s Interior and Arctic. These two immense, far north regions of Alaska are home to just over 137,000 souls and over 645,000 majestic caribou. “A tally of those caribou herds residing primarily in the Interior and Arctic areas comes to 645,687 based on the most recent survey numbers available,” Hunter states. These numbers prove to be an impressive indicator of how untamed and sparsely populated Alaska’s Interior and Arctic remain.

Heralding the lowest population density in the United States of America, here a modicum of social distancing has long been a way of life. In Alaska’s Interior and far north, the buffer between you and the next person was substantial prior to COVID-19, so adding a foot or two to get to six feet apart…

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