Top 5 reasons to visit a ski resort in the off season

In the days of COVID-19 and muted international travel, individuals and families are having to think further on how to spend their summer/winter holidays this year (depending on your hemisphere). With domestic travel and exploration of one`s backyard now under the spotlight, it may be time to reevaluate what makes for a great vacation and what our priorities and values are within that. It could be time to place crowded beaches, nightclubs and the overindulgence of alcohol on hold and instead focus on true exploration, adventure, health, fitness and supporting our domestic economies. For those of us that are fortunate enough to have mountains in our reach without the need to fly, here are our top 5 reasons why you should visit a ski resort this off season.

1. Avoid the crowds

Perhaps the biggest selling point amid a global pandemic is the ability to safely social distance – and then some. With entire mountain ranges to get in and amongst the…

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