The best mobile camps in the Serengeti

The Serengeti epitomises the image of safari. With rolling plains dotted with acacia trees and the kopjes where sleeping lions laze in the morning sun, add the year-round wildebeest migration and you have a recipe for arguably the best place in the world to experience the wild of Africa.

When choosing where to stay in the Serengeti, things are not always simple. There is a minefield of options to choose from and knowing what is best can be tricky. In plain terms, there is one main distinction to be made: do you choose a mobile camp or a permanent lodge?

The main difference between the two is that permanent lodges do not move throughout the year, they stay in the same location which consequently allows them to have a wider range of facilities like swimming pools and dedicated spa treatment rooms. They do however cost far more and do not always offer the chance to be in the best position for the migration. This is why staying in a mobile camp is a…

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