Wilderness in waiting: Safari by the book with 8 important African reads

‘Wilderness in waiting’ is a four-part weekly series, highlighting Africa’s proud heritage during the COVID pandemic.

As African countries are slowly beginning to open to inbound travel, it won’t be too long before you’ll be able to enjoy a social-distancing safari and breathe deeply in the fresh wilderness air. To whet your appetite for upcoming travel, here is a selection of eight of my favourite books that touch on travel, history, wildlife, and African life.

The Lion Tracker’s Guide to Life, Boyd Varty

Tracker and life coach Boyd Varty’s second book offers life lessons through combining the inner tracking of coaching, with the outer tracking of the wild. This happens, rather appropriately, through the captivating story of a real-life account of a Boyd and two colleagues tracking a lion. The story itself carries enough suspense, that the life lessons are given an added gift. I’d recommend that you read it before your next safari…

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