Wilderness in waiting: Bringing safari home

‘Wilderness in waiting’ is a four-part weekly series, highlighting Africa’s proud wildlife heritage during the COVID pandemic.

The good news is that we’re starting to see movement in African countries opening up tourism again. In South Africa, various tourism bodies are working around the clock to ensure that we have the right protocols frameworks in places to safely welcome guests soon. Until that happens, several lodges have been harnessing the power of technology and other creative means to ensure we’re able to keep connected with the wild.

Londolozi and the Art of Storytelling

Before we even start looking at why some lodges have taken safari digital, it’s important to understand the psyche of safari: at the heart of this sensorial experience is storytelling. I knew my starting point would be Londolozi, a lodge whose ethos fully embraces storytelling. Amanda Ritchie (from Londolozi) told me a little more about this.


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