Iceland update: start planning, but maybe not flying just yet

Since my last post there have been a number of developments in Iceland. Many positive and some that require re-examining. Therefore I have dedicated this month’s blog post to adding additional information and including any changes. The question posed 1 month ago was, ‘Is it now the right time to come to Iceland?’ My answer to this question hasn’t changed; 

It would seem, with careful planning, a degree of flexibility and working with the locals it might be time to start looking at Iceland as your next big trip.

That statement remains as true today as it did last month. However, there are a number of things to consider before jumping on a plane on the 15th of June. I will elaborate below. 

My personal thoughts

Firstly, before reading on, I would like to offer up my own personal view. 

Iceland is safe! Really safe in fact. But, please think about the repercussions of travelling back to your own country as well. Does your country still…

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