CBD Laws & Regulations in the US and Other Countries

Brooklyn Bridge (photo: Toms Rits, Unsplash)
Brooklyn Bridge (photo: Toms Rits)

The CBD industry is thriving. For starters, the growing concerns over prescription pain medications have led more people to seek alternatives.

The industry has also grown because of increased public awareness about how effective CBD is and how many health benefits it may offer.

However, laws have not always kept up with public opinions. How do you know which countries will allow your CBD oil and which will not?

As it turns out, there are complex laws about CBD within each country and unique laws about traveling with CBD, as well.

CBD Laws in the United States

CBD laws in the US are complicated because of how the country operates: there’s a nationwide federal government in addition to governments for each state.

Federal law in the US permits CBD products if the CBD is derived from hemp.

According to the 2018 Farm Bill, this means the CBD must come from a particular strain of the cannabis plant. It must also contain no more…

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