Head To Eastern Croatian To Escape The Crowds & Find Amazing Adventures

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Eastern Croatia has not yet reached its full tourism potential – and it is not because it does not have anything to offer tourists; that’s for sure – trust me! This area just never gets the attention of mainstream advertising of Croatia.

I spent one week traveling a small part of Slavonia with the Croatian National Tourist Board in the fall of 2018. I wrote a post of things to do in Slavonia and based on what I saw and experienced, I can confirm this region does not get enough attention! And that was just from what I was able to experience in 7 days.

Beat The Crowds In Slavonia_VINEYARD

And now, after reading what Senka has written below, I say again – head east! Even though this part of Croatia does not have the Adriatic Sea and its luscious beaches, you will not be disappointed.

In fact, you may like it more. For it costs much less to stay in and experience this part of Croatia. I found the people overwhelmingly…

Categories:   Chasing the Donkey
