7 Years Living In Croatia, Panic Attacks & Pandemic Life

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I wasn’t planning on writing an update this year to mark the 7-year-anniversary of relocating to Croatia as there didn’t feel like much to say. 

May 12, 2013, I left Australia with mu 9-month-old, husband and a few bags to move to Croatia. The rest of our stuff followed a few years later when the house was (finally) finished. 

Seven years of living in Croatia. It seems like yesterday.

I know, I say that every anniversary – but it’s true. The time has gone by so darn fast, and life had become so normal. 

Ha! Life is not normal now, that’s sure.

Pre pandemic, life was glorious, our private transfers business was heading in a positive direction, we had drivers lined up, new cars and buses ordered, and bookings made for the 2020 season.

My oldest son was in first grade and settled in okay, his Croatian was making huge improvements thanks to his amazing, and supportive teacher and…

Categories:   Chasing the Donkey
