Croatian Brodet Recipe (Croatian Fish Stew)

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When I hear the word Brodet, my mouth starts to water. I absolutely love this classic Dalmatian dish and you will too! Brodet is a seafood stew and an important part of Croatian coastal food culture just like all seafood – hello Octopus Salad and Shrimp Risotto

With Brodet, it’s crucial you select the right type of fish to get the best flavor out of the stew. The trick is to use a minimum of three types of fish, any shellfish and I also like to throw in a few crustaceans.

What is the reason for three fish I hear you ask? Having several varieties of fish is what gives the stew its incredible depth of flavor!

Croatian Cooking. Learn to Make Brodet Recipe

The types of fish to go for are reef species, in Dalmatia, the number 1 fish for this is the Scorpion Fish, it definitely makes the best Brodet. Also, go for ocean perch or conger eel, but most reef fish species will do. Make sure you don’t pick something with delicate…

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