
7 Family Activities That Are Great During An RV Trip

Traveling with your kids and the entire family in an RV isn’t remotely different from traveling on a plane, bus, boat, or train. It takes a lot of work, no matter what mode of transportation you
use. The longer you travel, the harder it will be to keep everyone satisfied. You have to be more creative so they won’t be bored and cranky during the journey.


Going in an RV, however, can become a memorable experience for the entire family. It gives you a mix of camping, road trips, and the great outdoors – all in one. With enough planning, your RV
adventure can be a success, one your whole family will enjoy. Who knows, it may become so fun that on the last day of your trip, your family will dread going back home.


It may take a little work on your end to make it happen, but it’s actually possible for the entire family to have fun and enjoy during your RV trip. Start with booking your RV from reputable
sources like Then, plan for some fun family activities like these below:



1. Bring Board Games

Board games are always ideal for families to huddle together and have fun. You can play board games at night, over a bonfire, smores, and hot chocolate. Give your kids a little leeway from their
early bedtime, so they can enjoy the whole RV and camping experience. After all, it’s not all the time you’re on the road for a holiday.


Pack up some board games. Here are some of the most family-friendly board games you can bring with you:

  • Labyrinth;
  • 7 Wonders Board Game;
  • Spontaneous Board Game;
  • Heist;
  • Disney Villainous Strategy Board Game;
  • Czech Games Codenames;
  • No Stress Chess;
  • Monopoly;
  • Beat That! Game.


2. Take A Hike

Fun family activities don’t always have to be strenuous ones. You can also give it a break and opt for more relaxing activities for everyone to enjoy. One of those activities is to take a
relaxing hike around your RV campsite or parking area.


A hike is a great way to stretch your legs after that long day of sitting down during a long road trip. It also gives the kids a chance to run or jog around freely. All that, while taking in the
beautiful scenery and all the best nature has to offer.



3. Solve Some Activity Books

This third family activity is a simple and easy one that won’t call for a heavy clean-up after. Keep the family busy, while setting up camp by a lake, nature park, or campsite by solving some
activity books. The most classic ones that you can help each other out with are Sudoku and Word Search.


You can add some fun to it by getting competitive! Have prizes ready for who gets to finish a puzzle first, for instance.



4. Try Out Food At Local Stalls

If you’re lucky enough, during your trip, you may be able to be present during a food festival. Or, perhaps there are food stalls with some local dishes? Don’t be afraid to do as the locals do.


Getting the best of what your destination has to offer doesn’t always have to mean dining at five-star restaurants. You can get a taste of local cuisine by taking a walk around food stalls or
trucks, enjoying time as a family while opening up your palate to local meals and beverages.



5. Cook Together In Your RV

For those of you who don’t fancy going out for meals, you can always cook in your RV. That’s actually one of the advantages of going on an RV trip. With your own mini kitchen, you can whip up
simple meals – anytime. All you have to do is to go to the grocery and stock up on the food you’ll need when you set up camp in your destination.


Cooking may only seem like a simple activity. But, it doesn’t have to feel like a chore when the whole family helps out. Even the kids can give a hand, too. Sure, it’ll be messy. But, how often
is it that you can say you’ve cooked together as a family?



6. Watch The Sunrise And Sunsets

If you’re traveling with young kids in tow, you’ll most likely be up early even during your RV trip. So, why not make the most of that time by watching the sunrise as a family? If you’re staying
at a campsite or a national park, you may have a perfect view of the sunrise.


Or, if your destination doesn’t offer a clear view of the sun rising, you can also opt for watching the sunset instead. At the end of a long day, relax and unwind, make your dinner or have your
takeaway, as your whole family enjoys the beautiful sunset.


You can take this time to talk as a family, unbothered by the fast life you normally live.



7. Go Fishing

Most RV adventures, like camping, are usually combined with outdoor activities like fishing. If your RV parking or campsite is by a lake or sea, why not sign up for a boat rental or fishing
activity, if there’s one? This might be something kids of all ages and adults alike will enjoy.


Spending your day in a boat to go fishing is always a good idea. If the lake or beach is safe, you can even go swimming as well. Finish the day off with dinner of your catch of the day. It’ll
give a sense of pride to the younger ones that they helped fish – literally – for your dinner.




Before you know it, you’ll be packing your things (and perhaps your entire home) with your kids for that much-awaited RV trip. Camping and going on road trips are always a lot of fun. But, for
the parents, it’s a lot of work, too. If you don’t prepare to make it fun, you’ll have to listen to about a million ‘Are we there yet?s’ and squabbles from the little ones.


To avoid that from happening, be prepared with your list of family activities to do. Put down your phone, only to hold it when you take photos. With the ideas above, you can have that memorable
family RV holiday.


About the Author:

Jennifer Anders is a freelance writer who has traveled extensively and enjoys exploring off-the-beaten-path locations around the world.

She loves hiking national parks, windsurfing, and photographing wildlife.

Aside from all those crazy activities, you’ll also find her eating plenty of local street food. She is absolutely fearless when it comes to trying new things.

Categories:   Just One Way Ticket
