The Best Serbian Food You Can’t Pass Up
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When traveling the world, it’s not about just seeing the sights and perhaps learning a few words of the local language. It’s also about tasting the food, sampling traditional cuisine.
Culture is about gastronomy, and in the Balkans, there are plenty of authentic and traditional dishes to try. You’ll also find that many Serbian dishes overlap with neighboring countries. There are, however, subtle differences to explore.
Serbian food has had many different influences throughout the years, which is reflected in the food. These influences have made Serbian cuisine a real melting pot (pun definitely intended) of delicious flavors for the taste buds.
Influences, ranging from oriental all the way to many parts of Europe, Serbian cooking has its roots in meat, making it a hearty choice for colder days, but you’ll also find many vegetables included in the most local Serb dishes.
Pastry is…
Categories: Chasing the Donkey