Why luxury travel isn’t about golden taps and silver cutlery but about exclusivity

Nowadays, booking a five-star hotel is so easy. Bathing in luxury, that’s how most holidaymakers experience it. And that’s luxury too, but there’s always a step up. Think of private planes, exclusive locations and excellent lodges where all your wishes are guessed before you knew you had them. Where the world can’t find you…


The word luxury no longer revolves around the golden taps and silver cutlery. It’s about the luxury experience. The personalized service offered, lodges in the middle of nowhere, allowing travelers to experience true exclusivity. Our guests want to travel places where few others have gone before them. That exclusive piece of the world, which makes it a luxurious experience. Some say: “I want to experience the bat migration in Zambia”. It takes place in an area where there are no lodges. Then we organize a mobile tented camp for our clients. And although this is very basic in comfort, it is a luxury…

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