Top 10 places to see in the Indian subcontinent in 2021

With a number of restrictions, closed borders and mandatory quarantine, the year 2020 passed away giving a greater meaning and importance to travel. During the lockdown, seeing amazing places around the globe through the internet has made every traveler enthusiastic and eager to fly to that dream destination away from all the pandemic negativity. With vaccinations in process, this new year is the time to start planning your holiday. Hence, we have compiled a list of the top destinations in the Indian subcontinent that you can plan to visit in the year 2021! Some of these places have opened for international visitors and some will open in the coming months considering the lowering trend in the virus cases.


An ultimate luxury escape for all the honeymooners, beach and water sports lovers, Maldives is an extraordinary destination. Maldives consist of 1196 tiny islands that are scattered across the Indian ocean, however, only a few are…

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