Scandinavian traditions to get you through the January blues

And just like that, 2020 has ended and we look forward with a bunch of hope and careful excitement to 2021 with wishes for a better year.

The month of January can always be a bit of a tough month to get through especially if you live in the northern part of the world as I do. Long dark days are still there but now without the cheering up of Christmas lights throughout the streets. At times the holidays ask a lot of energy and then you are in the month of January trying to regain some energy while its dark and dreary outside. Perhaps you’ve overspent on Christmas gifts and financially the end of the month cannot come soon enough. In any way, it is a tough month!

But even though the people in the Nordics struggle with winter depressions, they have also found some great ways and rely on some great traditions to get them through the darker months. Here are some traditions that might give you a boost this month to stay in a positive mindset in case…

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