2020: A Year Without Travel

Women's March 2020 at Texas State Capitol
Women’s March – Texas State Capitol

This year has been a beast—a test of staying sane in the United States despite politics, pandemic, racism, and riots.

For someone who built his life and career around travel the last 14 years, it’s been hard to stay home and ride the waves of anxiety without the usual social outlets such as seeing friends, meeting people, and going to events.

That said, I did my best to find the silver linings in a year without travel.

I continued to take improv classes online, re-connected with my Buddhism practice, began attending Undoing White Supremacy in Austin Zoom events as I confronted my white privilege in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, discovered the global consciousness and tantra communities, improved my diet, and committed to consuming 52 books (I’m on #45 with 15 days to go).

I began buying fresh flowers and houseplants, a habit I imagine I’ll stick with the rest of my life (much like washing my hands frequently).

And the whole experience has…

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