‘Tis now the season to travel differently

First of all let us fast forward a few months, leaving 2020 well and truly behind. It’s safe to say that it has been a pretty disastrous year, especially for all of us working within the travel industry; a definite year to forget.

However, I hope as you read this, vaccines are getting rolled out, confidence is picking up and that we can all finally start thinking of traveling abroad again. I personally am hoping that this will happen around Easter time 2021. I urge you all to start looking at, not necessarily travelling differently but becoming more conscientious with whom you are travelling.

Bypass the once popular brands

We have all seen some very established travel brands fall by the wayside recently. Some of which didn’t deserve to but others with dated business models that have not changed with the times I sympathise less with them but empathise with their employees. I have never…

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