Why it’s the perfect time to visit Southern Africa right now

This pandemic has really thrown us a curveball and I doubt if many had seen it coming a year ago. Then again, tourism is an industry that has been through some tough times before, and I’m sure it will come out stronger once again as it has shown in the past. However, there are still a lot of places that are closed off for most of us. Luckily several countries in Southern Africa have opened up their borders recently in order to start the tourism renaissance, albeit slowly.

Of course, covid isn’t gone yet, and strict regulations are put in place, both by the governments but also by the lodges and hotels too. Nobody wants to end up with a positive case in their property and it’s in their own interest (and that of the guests) to keep it that way.

So why is it the perfect time then? Well, first of all, a lot of the lodges and hotels have lowered their prices considerably, or have some amazing packages which will give you some amazing return for…

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