Hostel Cooking on a Budget (3 Easy Recipes)

Tomatoes (photo: Daria-Yakovleva)
Tomatoes (photo: Daria-Yakovleva)

Today, most hostels have functioning kitchen appliances alongside a fair selection of pots and pans – everything you need to prepare a decent meal.

If you’re looking for some easy-to-make food that doesn’t break the bank (and isn’t the common combination of pasta and sauce!), this article is for you.

How to be Successful at Hostel Cooking

If this is the first time you are planning to cook in a hostel, or you haven’t had much luck in the past, here are a couple of tips that will help you.

1. Keep an Eye on Perishables

Even though you may be staying a short time, keep in mind how long it takes for certain foods to go bad – especially if you’re planning to take some of it with you to your next destination.

You don’t want food going off and starting to smell in your backpack on the bus on a hot day.

2. Plan your Grocery Shopping

Concerning the previous tip, always plan how much food you actually need. Take into consideration how long you will stay…

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