Open in Siem Reap – Part 1

Cambodia has managed the COVID-19 situation remarkably well with zero deaths and just a few hundred cases. Borders closed very early and community transmission has been minimal which has left the country amongst the very few not to face a health crisis as a result of the pandemic. However, with toursim being key to the economic growth and fundamental for the employment of many, Cambodia has suffered in a very different way.

With 2020 drawing to an end and the borders still effectively closed, the hotels and businesses that have survived are looking at locals, expats and staycations as a way to remain trading and keep their vauable staff teams employed. This a great news for those of us that call Cambodia home and also means that once tourism is again possible, they will still be there for all to enjoy.

Treeline Urban Resort

This is a true urban oasis in the heart of Siem Reap. The exemplary team are clearly passionate about the visionary concept…

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