Recipe of the week: Scallop and British Columbia apples

A mix of flavour and textures, this Autumn scallop dish strikes the perfect balance of lively freshness and familiar comfort, while using locally and sustainably sourced ingredients. The delicate preparation of the scallop allows for it to truly shine while showcasing the irresistible flavor of scallops that most know and love. The brining of the scallops is a crucial step that imparts incredible flavour, just as brining does with other proteins such as chicken or turkey. The apples used in this dish are from British Columbia, Canada and are bursting with flavour at this time of the year. Canada’s growing season can be short in some areas; however, British Columbia is home to incredible agricultural regions that are able to grow quality fruit and vegetables for many months of the year.

Slightly brined scallops are torched to order and sliced on top of a charred apple puree. Hazelnuts are toasted in brown butter, slightly crushed and mixed…

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