Hiking in Provence – A Luxury Travel Blog : A Luxury Travel Blog

When you need to keep your distance from people, but you also need some beauty and wide-open space, what better way to spend your day than with a long hike. Travelling to Provence-Alpes-Cote-d’Azur and walking the coastline could be the best decision you could make this autumn.

The Var region is an area of outstanding natural beauty. This wooded region is made up of 1.4 million hectares of forest, with 3600 vegetal species of which 720 are protected. It is an area where, if you are lucky, you could see the peregrine falcons’ nests on the sea-cliffs between Bandol and Saint Cyr. And, if you are even more fortunate and arrive in Provence in September, you could be blessed with the songs of the cicadas as you hike.

If all this sounds as delicious to you as it does to me, let me recommend four of the best trails for hiking in the region.

Calanque du Port D’Alon and Pointe Engraviers

If you would prefer to start gently and work up to more…

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