Historical cities in Belgium which are worth a visit

It isn’t easy these days to come up with a travel plan that satisfies our feeling of wanderlust, yet sometimes it is right there in front of us. Belgium is one of those places which is often overlooked while it has a very rich history that will certainly keep you busy for a few days or longer. To get the most out of your precious time, I suggest you visit some of the below cities first, as they offer an array of historical sights, on top of all the rest which can be found in these places like amazing restaurants, shopping, atmosphere and so on….


Talking of the perfect example, this city has it all. Situated next to the Scheldt, it is the diamond capital of the world, and has one of the biggest and most important ports in Europa. But all of that doesn’t mean there is little history to find, on the contrary. This was the home of famous painters like Rubens, of which you can still visit his house and find art pieces in several museums….

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