5 must-visit destinations in Southern Africa

Southern Africa has so much variety that is hard to know where to start. Without trying to fit every destination into one holiday, it is better to take your time and explore a couple of places at a more leisurely pace. Below are five of the best destinations to visit with a few examples of where to stay and how to combine some these places in an itinerary.

Victoria Falls

Situated on the border of both Zambia and Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls is one of Southern Africa’s most popular destinations, and rightly so! The thundering falls are a sight to behold and it is classified as being the largest waterfall in the world.

Activities here are for those adrenaline seeking junkies, from white water rafting to daring Devil’s Pool, those seeking a thrill are not going to be disappointed. There are also more scenic and relaxing options though, a sunset river cruise and a helicopter tour also give a wonderful perspective of one of the Seven Natural Wonders…

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