10 ways to travel safely and responsibly in BC this Summer

As British Columbia moves forward with its Restart Plan and restrictions further begin to ease, travelling in the province may be a little different this year. We’ll need to take more time with planning, and be more conscious of our impact on communities—especially the smaller ones, when we visit. As a starting point, Destination BC has compiled 10 tips to help you plan and travel responsibly in BC this Summer, when the time is right.

Do your research

Take extra time to research and plan your trip in advance, and make sure you have a Plan B if your activity is at capacity. Many businesses and services in BC have adopted new protocols, and changes to their schedules or policies to ensure your safety. You’ll want to become familiar with them ahead of time. For example, you may have to book in advance for attractions or experiences where you didn’t before, and transportation schedules, like BC Ferries, may be operating at reduced capacity….

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