40 Examples & An Easy Technique to Achieve Them
Getting a PHD, becoming your own boss and writing a book are examples of long term goals, and whether it is a career, financial or even a personal growth objective, achieving one won’t be easy. It’s not like some of the short goals on your bucket list—you will be pushed to your limits. You will have to make sacrifices. You will need to be uncomfortable. We all have to overcome something in order for a dream to become a reality, whether it be anxiety or fear or a financial situation or time restrictions or guilt.
So, how do you do it and how did I do it with all of my larger goals? Keep reading…
Long Term Goal Definition
What is the definition of a long term goal? It is simply an objective that you want to accomplish in the future, but one that will require a significant amount of time and planning. It will most likely take years, not months, to achieve and in many cases reaching the long term goal will also take several smaller steps during the process.
40 Long Term Goal…
Categories: Bucket List Journey