I Want To Travel For The Rest Of My Life – 15 Travel Bloggers Tell How To Do It

After a lovely childhood in Upstate New York and four years spent living my big city dreams in Brooklyn, I finally succumbed to my vagabond fantasies and bought a one way ticket out the country.
Two years later, and I’m still at it. I’m currently reporting from a small bungalow on the island of Gili Trawangan in Indonesia.


When did you start traveling and why? 


I’ve always had the heart of a wanderer. My family didn’t travel much internationally when I was young, though I did manage to con my parents into letting me plan a family vacation to Belize when
I was thirteen (my parents used to call me “The Bulldozer” for my, ahem, negotiation skills.) That trip left a major impression on me, and it was only compounded by a high school student exchange
in Costa Rica. By the time college rolled around I was bursting with wanderlust and at age 19 set off solo for a summer in Thailand. After that, it was game over. Two weeks after…

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