5 hikes to capture the essence of Scotland

From a casual stroll taking in the beauty of your surroundings to an epic adventurous trail that tests your stamina; nothing can beat Scotland when it comes to luxurious hikes – the dramatic landscapes will take your breath away.

Given the current climate and limitations on air travel, we are being encouraged to venture outdoors and explore more of what the UK has to offer. A fantastic way to indulge in the beauty of the UK is by foot through utilising some of the most incredible hiking trails scattered across our shores. So to start us off, we wanted to guide you to some of Scotland’s most magical walks.

Loch hikes

Scotland is renowned for its lochs, and many have been made famous due to their attractions and well-known myths.

The Great Glen Way provides a scenic route from Fort William to Inverness including a visit to the mystical Loch Ness. This walking adventure is a total of 120 km in distance and can be completed within 7-8 days either…

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