Logroño Pintxos Crawl: 8 Bars to Visit for Amazing Pintxos in Logroño, Spain

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We visited over ten cities and towns during our seventeen days in Spain. One of the stops we were most excited about was San Sebastian, mainly because of its reputation as a culinary city.

Located in the Basque Country, it boasts the highest concentration of Michelin-starred restaurants in the country. It’s also known for its pintxos which are snacks similar to tapas, but skewered with toothpicks on bread. They’re popular throughout northern Spain, but mention pintxos to any non-Spanish person and the first thing they’ll probably think of is San Sebastian.

But as synonymous as pintxos have become with this northern gastronomic destination, we heard that one place makes them even better. According to locals and online reports, the best pintxos can be found not in San Sebastian, but about…

Categories:   Will Fly for Food
