9 Underrated Destinations You Must Have On Your Travel List • Indie Traveller

As a travel blogger for 7 years, I’ve become very aware of how tourism concentrates in a certain set of popular destinations.

For example, 9 times out of 10, first-timers in Southeast Asia will go to Thailand or Bali. And if you’re on your first budget trip in South America, I bet you’ll end up in Peru or Ecuador. This is obvious from search statistics and social shares.

There’s nothing wrong with these popular picks, but what if you want to go somewhere a bit more original?

Somewhere that not everyone already has on their bucket list?

I thought I’d highlight a few such destinations. Overlooked by the masses, the following are some of the underrated travel destinations I just can’t stop raving about. 

And while the world is currently at a standstill due to the pandemic, we can look forward to traveling to these places when this becomes possible again.

Cape Verde

Cape Verde (also shown in the header image)

This tropical archipelago off the coast of Africa is the…

Categories:   Indie Traveller
