Is Iceland the safest country to travel to in 2020?

As many countries start to loosen their gathering restrictions and lift their travel bans, we can expect to be allowed to travel again soon. But where should we go? Which country is safe to explore in the post-pandemic era?

The last few chaotic months we experienced will be a constant reminder of the need to be safe, clean, and stress-free, and this applies to vacations too! Wherever you choose to go on your vacation, we recommend a place with therapeutic powers, tranquil sceneries, and open space full of stunning sights. And that leaves us with one answer – Iceland.

Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon, the one-of-the-kind nature wonder in South Iceland

How Iceland dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic

With the first COVID-19 case confirmed in late February, Iceland has been fighting the coronavirus outbreak since the beginning and now, 3 months later, it claims a major victory against the coronavirus pandemic. Iceland plans to re-open for foreign travelers on June 15th.


Iceland began testing and screening at the end of…

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