Best Travel Jobs – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling

I have to make a confession. This blog post has been a draft for over a year now. I wanted to publish this article for so long, but I always thought I can do better. Originally this was
meant to be called ‘20 ways to make money while traveling’, however I felt, 20 isn’t enough. I wanted to turn this article into a massive, valuable resource for everyone, who
is looking for ways to make money and travel the world.


The reason why I wrote this post is, because I owe it to my readers. People ask me all the time how they can afford to travel for a long time. My best advice: Find jobs that involve
traveling. Why you ask? Let me explain…


Work and travel will help you to understand different cultures. Being far away from home will give you a new perspective on how things work on the other side of the planet.


But first, let me tell you a bit about me. Back in January 2010 I returned to Germany after a 14 months…

Categories:   Just One Way Ticket
