How to Use Workaway to Travel for Free

Ghent, Belgium (photo: Thomas Somme)
Ghent, Belgium (photo: Thomas Somme)

If you have been involved in the backpacking community for a while, you may have heard of Workaway.

Do you want to travel the world, but just not sure how you can afford it? 

So did I before I started learning (almost studying) ways to travel hack. If so, then this article is for you.

Below, I have outlined what you need to know for your first Workaway experience.

Backpacking on a budget

There are a lot of ways to save money while you travel. 

Some of the most popular ways to save on accommodation are staying in hostels instead of hotels and, even better, Couchsurfing instead of staying in hostels. 

Those are both great accommodation options, but neither are consistent long-term options. 

And, if you are like me, your intentions of learning a city and culture before moving on are your highest priority. 

To do so, I began staying weeks or months in places I traveled. 

So, I needed a way to engage in…

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