Cahuita National Park Costa Rica

Cahuita National Park

As the most easily accessible national park in the Caribbean south of Costa Rica, Cahuita National Park is a favorite among many. It consists of 2,732 acres of land and 55,200 marine acres and was created to protect the largest coral reef in the country. With stunning white sand beaches, a plethora of wildlife and a well maintained walking trail, Cahuita National Park is a must for anyone visiting Puerto Viejo.

The 600 acre reef has around 35 species of coral, over 100 species of fish and many other mollusks, crustaceans and sea turtles. There is also a few rivers in the park so a variety of wildlife can be seen such as white face monkeys, herons, caimans, sloths, snakes and lizards.

Cahuita National Park is truly one of the most spectacular national parks in all of Costa Rica, not only for its stunning landscapes, beaches and wildlife but also due to the fact that it is not overly touristic even though it has well developed roads and facilities. This is the…

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