Backpacking Panama: A Two-Week Itinerary

Panama Metropolitan Cathedral
Panama Metropolitan Cathedral

My first opportunity for backpacking Panama came tantalizingly close in 2005 when I traveled to Costa Rica and made my way south along the Caribbean coast. 

In the town of Puerto Viejo, I encountered many backpackers traveling overland, having either come north from Panama or heading that way next. 

I considered my options but stuck to my original plan to spend my full 18-day vacation exploring Costa Rica.

It would be another eight years before I returned to the region, this time dedicating two weeks to backpacking Panama. 

What follows is my itinerary, which served me well as an introduction to the country.

Panama City

Panama City is unique among capital cities in Central America as it’s located on the coast. Specifically, it faces Panama Bay on the Pacific side.

A modern skyline full of high-rise buildings occupies the Punta Paitilla district. I had little interest in spending time in that part of the city, though. 

San Felipe, Panama City
Restored buildings in the old…

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