Malawi’s Zomba town and plateau

In the south of Malawi, between Blantyre and Liwonde, you find the country’s former capital, Zomba. The town might be the 4th city in the country, it has a very different feel to it than Lilongwe, Blantyre and Mzuzu. In Zomba there are no traffic jams, it is green all year round and there are no shopping malls! It’s a charming town with a rich history and one that’s well worth a visit, not least for access to the stunning Zomba Plateau that towers above it!

There are rumours are that a big supermarket will open its doors in Zomba soon, and that they are building a mini-mall on the corner of Mountain Road (the road that takes you up Zomba Plateau). But, for now, the traditional market in the centre of town is the shopping hub. It’s a wonderful and very accessible example of a local African markets selling (almost) everything; from car parts to dried fish, electricians and electronics. There are fruits and vegetables available at Zomba…

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