5 post-safari island escapes – A Luxury Travel Blog : A Luxury Travel Blog

Goooooooood morning Vietnam! It’s 0600 hours. What does the “O” stand for? O my God, it’s early!” – those immortal words of Robin Williams in the film Good Morning Vietnam ring true for legions of safari goers every day. At silly o’clock in the morning when your guide lightly knocks on your door offering a cheery “Good morning”, for most it takes considerable effort not to reply with a few colourful expletives. Summoning up as much will power as possible a more polite reply is grunted as you flop involuntarily out of bed and attempt to make yourself look vaguely presentable.

This scene is played out up and down the safari belt of eastern and southern Africa. The trauma of being shaken from slumber pre-dawn (especially while on holiday) soon gives way to a sense of marvel as you sip your coffee while listening to the sounds of the bush coming alive. And so begins another day of exhilarating wildlife encounters. Out you head in…

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