25 Fun Things to Try in the Bedroom & Beyond

Have you already put together your own sex bucket list or have you shied away from creating it? The reality is that sex is an entirely normal part of any adult’s life, and we’re more than allowed to enjoy it! So whether you’re just getting started in finding extra fun in the bedroom, or a seasoned pro looking to get a little more freaky with your partner, these sexy things to try in bed (and beyond) will add a little more spice to life. It’s up to you if you want to try them with your exclusive boo or incorporate them in your single lady’s life.

For something a tad tamer check out our Couple’s Bucket List.

1. ✦ Find the G-spot

Well, this one should be a no-brainer for everyone. While the g-spot isn’t the only spot of pleasure for a woman, it is often considered the main one (I can see all you ladies nodding!). Thus, to get the best out of sex, whether it’s just you and your hand or your toys, or you’ve got a partner in bedsheets, it’s high time you…

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