2020: the year we re-write the tourism industry

The current COVID-19 situation is disrupting many things, but one area was the most vulnerable one: that is tourism and travel around the globe. We can say with confidence that this is unprecedented in many ways. A chain reaction of closing borders and in many cases complete shut downs have taken place in some cases to eliminate the virus and in others to slow it down.

It is our moment to act as tourism’s ambassadors and take action. If all of the jobs that are created from the moment a single booking is confirmed, one big voice would be created and it would say:

“I am tourism. I am hurt at the moment. I am the industry that aims to unite people, unite dreams and share stories and right now I can’t do a single one of them. I represent not just a country or a destination but every airline, small restaurant, hotel, yacht, bus, guide and a full supply chain of people that bring home food to their families. Unlike other industries, I act as a…

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