Planning for the future: a day trip to Sitges

In light of the current situation that the world finds itself, there is a need for sensibility and responsibility. As the COVID-19 virus has halted travel plans for the foreseeable future. The most important thing for everyone now is to respect the measures in place and prioritize health and well-being. That is not to say that we should not have anything to look forward to for when normality resumes in the future. Therefore, we would like to give you the chance to learn about Sitges, a coastal spot near Barcelona, so that you can consider it as a future spot to travel to. In the meantime, we are hoping for good health to all and hope this blog can take your mind off things.

Situated some 35 Km away from Barcelona, you can find the wonderful seaside town of Sitges. This area is known for its winding streets, charming buildings and, of course, its beach. In addition to this, it is one of the most welcoming communities, accepting people of all…

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